
not a distraction, but pain in the ass
Из ревью Rarz

- At the beginning Buck was throwing bottles of water to people he recognised...he threw one at us but of course I'm a klutz and couldn't catch it

Jared's acoustic guitar lost its mic or whatever during AMM and he was telling the crowd "Everyone say 'THANK YOU BUCK'. He's our guitar tech and this whole night has been perfect up until now. THANK YOU BUCK."

There was one fucktard (isn't there always) who actually separated Lika and my linked arms so he could get onto the bar. And then he tried to get his girlfriend in and I was like "NO FUCKING WAY. YOU DON'T PUSH IN AND MAKE OTHER PEOPLE MOVE FURTHER AWAY SO YOU CAN FUCKING GET YOURSELF IN LET ALONE YOUR GIRLFRIEND." What's worse was this fucktard at the beginning was like "Stop fucking screaming Echelon. What the fuck is Echelon?"Jared only played one acoustic song...Modern Myth...that fucktard next to me was like "OMG! It's Was It A Dream?" and I was like "No. It's A Modern Myth."

Fangirls were fucking everywhere. One of the first girls in line had "MRS JARED LETO" on her shirt. Girls were saying they wanted their sigs tattooed on them but that Jared didn't sign nice enough. The girls behind us were like "We want photos of Gerard." No joke. FUCKING GERARD. I was like "Are you talking about My Chemical Romance?"

Tomo looked up and was like "I know who you are!" and Jared got up out of the chair and gave me a hug which was completely unexpected. As we walked out I heard these girls telling Nick that he should bring the band to a particular club on Sunday night because they would be there. Made me laugh out loud.

Да, по-моему сиднейские фанючки самые жгливые-причем, сами они об этом не подозревают.

Toast Rack сумела как бы это сказать помягче и по-русски? Ну ,в общем,я слегка ох....

The whole band was on fire, even Matt was right into it and totally going off. Jared said something like "I know people say a lot of things at gigs like this but, this is true, this is absolutely the best show we have ever done".

правда,после нескольких комментов она исправила пост, объяснив свою мягко сказать ошибку так-

Call it a newbie mistake!!! Thanks, I've corrected my post. Actually, I couldn't remember his name so I looked it up on the 30STM website which still says Matt is the bass player in their bio!

04.05.2007 в 22:38

Всё идет хорошо, но почему-то на хуй...
охренеть :bang:
04.05.2007 в 22:45

not a distraction, but pain in the ass
04.05.2007 в 23:40

Млять, fucking fangirls... they are действительно everywhere.

А приятно видеть, что Мэтта пишут :-D

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