
not a distraction, but pain in the ass

из ревью Sameeya,Toronto June 28th - 2006, Kool Haus venue

фотки её же

The Fantasy... which is when jared went on the floor, and did the Nine Inch Nails thing "I want to fuck you like an animal, i want to feel you from the inside" and holding it long so it sounded like he was moaning basically. hahaha. it made my night. i love that. it made me laugh.. moving on..-о,он еще и стонал при этом!

The guys had a fun time on stage. they were all smiling and looking like they were having loads of fun!...i heard Tracy say something like 'Best show!' .

At one point, Tomo was on Shannon's drum stand, and shannon got up and tried to push him off, they were both smiling and laughing. it was cute.да,Томо научился зажигать,Шеннон пытался его столкнуть

Tomo was singing during attack or the kill.. i can't remember which. but i seen him, it was cute. he was so into it. they all were, the whole show. i loved it.Томо запел!!!!

Jared is not out yet, actually.. but he makes a mistake.. he doesn't know there are about 340932 people behind the bus... and he comes out a bit unbuttoned because he was changing out of his show clothes... "Holy fuckin' shit"...runs back in bus, then peeks out of the blinds hahhaha. А что конкоетно у него было растегнуто-наверное,все-таки не верхняя пуговка на рубашечке.

But the real star that night, were jared's shoes... yeah.. "my feet are so bad, i shouldn't even be standing on them.. these are comfortable" Бедный,не зря он ходит в этих тапочках-дейсвительно подагра обострилась.А я ведь читала,что в период обострения это адская боль-а он еще на шоу как зажигает-хотя рекомендуют вообще лежать.А потом его еще и уронили.И никто не пожалеет.


not a distraction, but pain in the ass
мой ребенок научился серфингу-за неделю курса !Стал черным,как йеменец,покусанный медузами-но агитирует меня тоже пойти-но я сказала-бесплатного цирка пляж рт меня не дождется.


not a distraction, but pain in the ass

у Мэтта здесь такие лица, особенно когда ему майку дарят :attr: ,Шенну даже стараться не надо-хорош, как всегда, :) Томо как всегда по медвежьи всех лапает :hah: ,а вот с Джа что происходит?По-моему,он опять исчезает в минус бесконечность,и белки глаз какие красные.И чего он ночами не спит? Третий альбом пишет?


not a distraction, but pain in the ass
Томо признался папашке!И все еще живы после такого!


not a distraction, but pain in the ass
:bull: :abuse:

1)бляди! украли у stars*are*fading видео -взяли с youtube даже не сослввшась на неё, сопроводили дебильным коментарием


2)затеяли дискусию


3)разве похож?


not a distraction, but pain in the ass
А я как чувсвовала, что что-то случится! Дебильные секьюрити!Скажите спасибо,что Шеннон вас не прибил!

из ревью stars*are*fading

can clear this up for you, as I saw it, filmed it, and heard it from Sarah and another girl who was right up front when it happened.

Jared walked out onto the crowd during the "He said"/"She said" parts of Buddha for Mary (the crowd was literally holding him up). He came back to the front and the people up front couldn't support him as well. He went into a crowd surfing position to get himself over the barrier, and kind of rolled over it....expecting the two staff guys to catch him.

Instead, they let him fall.

It was single handedly the most horrific thing I've ever seen. It happened so fast. It looked like he hit the stage head first, but he might have just gone completely down to the ground (he has a nasty bruise on the side of his nose). He recreated it for us out by the bus, by sharing that he thought his neck was going to snap because of the way his body was following him down.

He got up and shoved the guy away behind him, and was ready to hit the guy on the other side of him (they had the audacity to try and help him up onto the stage after letting him fall....fucks). He finished the song. Then he went back to get one of the water bottles and I saw Shannon asking him if he was ok. Jared shook his head and walked off stage. Shannon followed him. From my view, I saw Shannon point at the one staff guy and almost run toward him, but someone grabbed him and threw him back in the direction of the stage. Jared came back out after a moment and they kept on going.



not a distraction, but pain in the ass
Jared Leto - band photography photoshoot inside the Don Valley Brickworks, June, 27


Что это?Вампир? EMO? А где остальные? И в каком виде тогда они появятся? Я как-то странно себя чувсвую,видя его таким......


not a distraction, but pain in the ass



not a distraction, but pain in the ass
Доктор Бленчигер(ВРОДЕ ТАК) из канадского института Душевного здоровья(в Торонто) открыл,что наличие каждого старшего брата повышает вероятность того, что младший станет геем на 30%.Т.е.3-старших брата-ну вы меня поняли :sex3: :sex:


not a distraction, but pain in the ass
Ух,чего Томо в Star Struck учудил-и понесло его эту Вики выгуливать.....Я только надеюсь,что рни справятся с этим без экскурсий в психушки,травматологии и лучшие миры.Мне лично,"Бандерасов " хватает.


not a distraction, but pain in the ass
вчера случайно попала на какой-то российский канал-и услышала песенку -

под сиреневым кустом танцевали всем двором.

похоже я отстала от жизни-я была уверена,что если вы не гномики то под кустом можно

1)справлять естественные подребности

2) :sex: -разновидность (1)



"девочки фигурные,мальчики гламурные" :hah:

ну вообще-то девочки бывают фигуристые,фигурным бывает, например, катание .А если гламурный мальчик-это толстый негр в спущенных штанах как представитель типично российского двора-но наверное,типично российский двор предполагает как минимум 50% не-аафроамериканского вида ?


not a distraction, but pain in the ass
Интересно,марсиане читали посты про тексты-перевертыши,зеркальные картинки и пр.? И какова их реакция,ИНТЕРЕСНО?



2)неужели это мы (а вернее,Джа) такие вумные



not a distraction, but pain in the ass
Только что скачала Buddha и Вattle с lafayette шоу.Неет,так зажигать нельзя, и куда только пожарники смотрят?



not a distraction, but pain in the ass
Фух, закончили с малым 7-ой класс.Два года учил как второй язык арабский,теперь начинает французкий.Английский, конечно они учат капитально-а так еще и русский-будет полиглот-недоучка.А по -русски какие перлы иногда выдавал-сейчас исправился-кончевают(кончают),укупают(покупают),излажают(излагают).А чего хотите-до сих пор было 4 языка+испанский(у нас сериалы переводят титрами)-а для подростков крутят мыльную муть про аргентинских сироток.


not a distraction, but pain in the ass
По просьбе Девочки с Марса


not a distraction, but pain in the ass
Не знаю почему,но прочитав это можно понять, что не такой уж Джаред сволочь и эгоист.

After the show, we all waited out by the bus, which was

parked outside of the venue, and we all hate it when its parked there because more people try hanging around to see Gerard Leeto. Anyway, Jeremy got the guys to take pictures with concert bear, and I got a picture Matt after waiting forever for him to come out. Oh and Jared yelled at this chick too. Becuase he was telling us that the show in Alabama might have been cancelled becuase Shannon wasnt feeling well and he might have needed to go to a hospital for antibiotics. Well, the chick [who was standing next to me] was like "Yeah, right like you would know this in advance" and Jared went off. He was like "You know what if my brother is sick, I don't give a fuck about any of you. That's my brother, and you can all kiss my ass. You don't fuck with family. If he's sick, and I have to cancel one fucking show, that's what we'll do" [not exact-exact words, but still] And Jeremy thought that he was yelling at me, cause I had said "wait are you serious?" right before the chick opened her dumbass mouth, but he wasnt yelling at me. And the dumbest thing, was that the stupid chick mumbled under breath "He isn't that sick anyway" and I was like "Shut the fuck up" hahaha.


not a distraction, but pain in the ass


Court: J'lem discriminated against gays

Capital's district court says city municipality guilty of 'discriminatory criteria for granting budget,' says 'gay community is part of city's embroidery'

Neta Sela

The Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance has once again defeated the Jerusalem Municipality: The capital's District Court instructed the municipality to transfer a fund of NIS 375,000 to the organization, which represents the gay community in the city.

The ruling comes after a petition submitted by the organization over discrimination. The Open House will also receive NIS 25,000 to cover legal costs.

The petition was submitted following the refusal of the Jerusalem Municipality to allocate funds out of its culture budget for the organization, for years. In the last three years, payments were stopped to the Open House altogether.

Judge Yehudit Tzur ruled that the criteria set by the municipality are discriminatory.

"The way the municipality conducted itself in relation to the Open House's request creates reasonable suspicion for discrimination," Judge Tzur wrote.

"Even if clerks in the municipality have a hard time accepting the gay community, and believe this is an unwanted phenomenon, the municipality cannot swerve from fundamental principles and ignore this community. It must treat this community with equality, out of recognition of the supreme value of equality, and out of respect for the values of tolerance and pluralism, which exist in the heart of democratic society," the judge wrote in the ruling.


not a distraction, but pain in the ass
•"I take computers practically apart and put them back together. I have a supercomputer I built over the years out of different computers."


сам собрал компьютер что ли ?

А еще говорят,что американцы безрукие.....

Интересно,а что еще Джася умеет помимо известного нам?


not a distraction, but pain in the ass
While taking over stages across the country, television and cable visibility will also be on the rise in the coming weeks: On June 7, 30 Seconds To Mars will play an acoustic set on FUSE's Daily Download, and on MTV 2 they will be on the T-Minus Rock show airing the week on June 12. Look for upcoming appearances / performances on Extra, FUSE's Steven's Untitled Rock show, and on VH1.COM. The band will also be on the nationally syndicated radio show, Rockline June 5.

какое счастье!!!!!у меня есть MTV 2!!!! честно сказать, это практически единственное MTV ,которое я смотрю.Но и простое не подкачало :rotate:

The video for "The Kill," loosely inspired by themes of isolation and insanity present in the Kubrickian nightmare "The Shining," was ranked #1 in the Hot 5 Videos on MTV.com for the past two weeks while, during the week of May 1,


not a distraction, but pain in the ass
:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

Я давно уже не плакала над фильмом.Мне довольнл тяжело его описывать.


Речь идет о любви 2 младших офицерах израильской армии, служащих на границе с Ливаном.Они(одному-19, другому-22) настоящие боевые офицеры, которые любят друг друга.Там есть СЦЕНЫ на снегу,в полной боевой выкладке,поцелуи......КТО погибнет в предстоящей боевой операции, я догадалась почти сразу.Он смертельно раненый во время боя с террористами,умрет на руках своего возлюбленного,а тот будет целовать его в губы на глазах У АДЕКВАТНО РЕАГИРУЮЩИХ сослуживцев.

Подробности на английском


и русском


(говорят, что есть перевод на русский,осуществленный добровольцами;)